ISSI Announces Sampling of RLDRAM(R) 3 Memory
Helps Enable 100G Ethernet and Transport Applications
Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. (Nasdaq:ISSI), a leader in advanced memory solutions, is sampling RLDRAM 3 memory. RLDRAM 3 memory offers a 576Mb density with the DRAM industry’s fastest random access times (tRC). The device is ideally suited to 100G networking applications such as Packet Optical Transport, Carrier Ethernet Switches and Routers (CESR), and Core and Edge Routers.
Service providers are combining residential, business, and mobile services onto a single IP network. This is driving the need for a cost-effective, high-performance memory with fast random access rates (tRC). RLDRAM 3 memory offers a new Multibank WRITE feature that allows random READ accesses every 2ns – on par with high-speed SRAM but with the density and cost-effectiveness that comes with DRAM.
ISSI offer RLDRAM 3 memory in Industrial and Commercial temperature ranges and in Leaded and Lead-free packages.
For more details on ISSI’s range of RLDRAM(R) 3 Memory, please contact Allyanz.